Barratt Wham Space Babies 100g PMP Pack

Barratt Wham Space Babies 100g PMP Pack

Product Code: 005747

Packsize: 12 x 100g


Barratt Wham Space Babies are a fun and fruity twist on the classic Wham bar, featuring bite-sized chewy candies bursting with vibrant flavors. Each candy offers a tangy and zesty taste experience, reminiscent of the original Wham bar. Packaged in convenient bags or boxes, Wham Space Babies are perfect for on-the-go snacking or sharing with friends and family. With their colorful appearance and bold flavors, these candies provide a nostalgic treat with a modern twist, ideal for satisfying sweet cravings and adding a burst of fun to any occasion. Click on the button and add the these to your cart today.


Always read the label for the most up-to-date allergen information.

  • Bite-sized: Wham Space Babies come in small, bite-sized pieces, making them easy to snack on and share.
  • Chewy Texture: These candies have a chewy texture, providing a satisfying mouthfeel with every bite.
  • Fruity Flavors: They come in a variety of fruity flavors, such as strawberry, raspberry, and apple, offering a burst of sweetness.
  • Tangy Taste: Wham Space Babies typically have a tangy and zesty taste, adding a refreshing twist to the fruity flavors.
Our Price £17.99

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